
तारक मेहता की सोनू दिखती हैं अब ऐसी, इस वजह से छोड़ा था शो

जैसे ही घड़ी के कांटे 8 बजे की ओर इशारा करते हैं। ज्यादातर घरों में यह आलम होता है कि सारे लोग अपना काम छोड़कर टीवी के सामने आकर बैठ जाते हैं। टीवी पर धुन सुनाई देती है, ‘तारक मेहता का उल्टा चश्मा’। बस फिर क्या, पूरा माहौल हँसी के ठहाकों से गूँज उठता है।

Amazing Tiger Attack On Man

A visitor executed by three tigers before his sickened spouse and youngster bounced into the walled in area to abstain from paying the zoo’s Rs:5000 extra charge, it has been accounted for. Named locally as Mr Amit, the man is said to have scaled three fences after his better half and tyke went in light of the fact that he couldn’t bear the cost of another extra charge of Rs:5000.

स्टाफ रूम में टीचर और प्रिंसिपल की रासलीला का वीडियो हुआ वायरल

जब हम टीचर को भगवान और स्कूल को मदिंर मान लेते हैं तो सीधी सी बाद है इससे हमारी उनके प्रति आस्था और भावना का पता चलता है। कहा जाता है कि टीचर भगवान होता है। लेकिन आजकल सीसीटीवी की मदद से जो सामने आ रहा है उस से भगवान के रूप धारण करे टीचर्स की असली राक्षष रूपी प्रवृत्ति सामने आ रही है। बहुत सारे ऐसे वीडियो इंटरनेट पर वायरल हो चुके हैं जो एक स्टूडेंट के साथ टीचर के रिश्ते को मिट्टी में मिला देते हैं। लेकिन देख गया है कि उनमें ज्यादातर गलती स्टूडेंट्स की ही निकाल दी जाती हैं वो क्या कहते हैं न कि “जिसकी लाठी उसकी भैंस” लेकिन अब जो वीडियो आई हैं उसमें कोई किसी स्टूडेंट का दोष नहीं निकाल सकता। VIDEO:--

How To Pick Up Girl Easy And Quick, This Disabled Guy Will Boost Your Confidence///

Internet is flooded with new videos of guys doing gold digger pranks. They go and ask a girl out to hang out with them. Initially the girl says no to the guy, but when he pulls up in his Lamborghini, she suddenly gets attracted to him and wants to go out with him. In such a materialistic world , what hope does a disabled person have in meeting the woman of his dreams? This YouTuber named Kshitij from Iron Man Lifestyle believes that all you need to do to meet women is confidence. Not looks, not money and not even the ability to walk. And to prove this, he went in a wheelchair to see if disabled people can meet women or not. The results were shocking. Check it out for yourself in the video below.


Girl, believed to be aged 10 to 12, was reportedly unable to speak or walk properly when she was found in January as police review missing children records Indian police are reviewing reports of missing children to try to identify a girl who was found living in a forest with a group of monkeys. The girl, believed to be 10 to 12 years old, was unable to speak, was wearing no clothes and was emaciated when she was discovered in January and taken to a hospital in Bahraich, a town in Uttar Pradesh state in northern India. She behaved like an animal, running on her arms and legs and eating food off the floor with her mouth, said DK Singh, chief medical superintendent of the government-run hospital. After treatment, she has begun walking normally and eating with her hands, though she preferred to eat food from the floor.“She is still not able to speak, but understands whatever you tell her and even smiles,” Singh said.